Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Assignment 1...

It's really hard to decide for just one subject, because this year we had the oportunity to choose our own subjects and I like it all of them, but I think one of my favourite is Screen-printing or Serigraphy. It's a printing technique in which you can use an  image, a picture and even a draw made by yourself, and you can print in a lots of materials, such as paper, plastics, textils, and the result is great! Francisco Sanfuentes is our teacher. I knew him last year because he was my draw class teacher. He is an excellent teacher, it shows he likes what he does, he's very nice, I like him. For me Serigraphy has not been a completely new experience, I knew a little about the technique before, last year I went into the workshop in our school and I learned some things.
So far, we had experiment with materials and It was great because you never know how is going to be the result, and also we had printed one image in black, honestly I didn't like much that image, but I hope do better works.
I like this subject because It's great what you can do with an image, and colours...


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ok...so 50 words about myself...
My name is Camila Lampert Brauer, I'm studing art, esculpture especifically...now we are making a torso of our model, Luchita... I really love my career and my school, I have a great time with my friends, they're really nice. I think I found great people in this place.
I like a lots of things, but also dislike a few...I'm always late...I sometimes have bad mood...I love hugs...I like sleep until late...I love movies...I like take bike rides...I like smoking...I love to lie on the grass...bla bla, I can't remember anything else.
So, I hope this will be ok!!
I see you in class!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm Camila...I'm sorry, I didn't understand the idea of the message...
mm...I suposse this blog will help us to share things and to learn and correct our mistakes!!