Friday, November 20, 2009

Blog 6

"Jeanne-Claude obituary"
She was one half of the environmental artist known to the world as Christo.

Jeanne-Claude was the wife and collaborator of one of my favorite artist, Christo. She died at the age of 74, from complications of a brain aneurysm on November 18, two days ago.
They worked together since they met, their relationship lasted 51 years, and during that time they completed 19 projects together, including "The Gates" in Central Park, New York, "The Valley Curtain" in Colorado, USA,"Pont Neuf" in Paris, France, and "Umbrellas" in Japan and California USA.
They are world wide known for their large scale wrapping projects, and for their interventions in natural landscapes, very close to the Land Art.
I chose this piece of news because, like I already said, Christo is one of my favorite artists in the world. I really like their works, I find it very interesting. They work in big sizes, most of their pieces of art are in large scale, covering wide spaces of natural landscapes and big public buildings, using fabric most of the time, and giving the color an important role. This aspects of their work are really important for me, because I would like to work with it too, and also with the idea of intervene and break into public spaces, and produce a change in the everyday visual landscape of people.
Once someone told me that sometimes when you cover something you can finally notice, and I'm agree with it. Sometimes you don't actually see what you need to see.
Well, I think this is a very sad news, and I really hope that Christo continue working by himself because I really enjoy his work.
Now, this couple of artist has become one.

Here is the link:

Blog 5

I chose Lucas post about the Art Faculty...

Art Faculty

Well, I think that my faculty is a very nice place. I love studying here, I like the old construction, the classrooms and ESPECIALLY the yard. In every moment I feel pleasent being here. You can work and make all kind of things because the different workshops have all the necessary equipment. You can walk around all the faculty, you can see and learn a lot of techniques by visiting your friend's workshops. YOU CAN EVEN use TOOLS from OTHER CLASSES to make YOU'RE WORK MORE INTERESTING, you can mix techniques.PEOPLE in here are very pleasent too, everyone is relax; most of them are very sociable.In the yard you can take a rest when you want to; is a very quiet space, you can even get sleep for a while.Also there are partys in the yard and is a very good place to meet other students.This faculty is very small and I love that. It is far from all the others in the campus. Here everybody knows each other. We never have to scape from the tear gas bombs or that kind of problems.Some PEOPLE say that the infrastructure is very old, but I think they are just worry about the faculty's look. Every workshop works very well and I think that is what we must care about.Well, that is what I THINK about this comfortable place. I believe is a space I will never forget.Bye.

I'm agree with Lucas about almost everything he said. I do believe the Art Faculty is a very nice and comfortable place, and I think I will never forget it too. I'm agree with Lucas about the importance of knowing the work of our classmates, because as he said, you can use techniques from other disciplines and workshops to make you're own work more interesting. I also agree with him about the yard. It's a quiet place where you can sleep, work, get your lunch and even you can party there. I think that being far away from the other Faculties in the Campus is really good, because we have our own space, without too many people walking around and making noise. About the workshops there are some that have what you need to work, but also, there are some that haven't everything you need and they really need improvements.
In general I very much agree with my dear friend Lucas.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blog 4

When I first met the Art Faculty I found it really ugly and empty, but as time passed by I started to fell in love with it.
I really like the environment, we have a large yard with a lot of trees that provide us shades and nice afternoons.
The condition of some workshops are really decadent, some of them get flooded when it rains and our pieces of work get damage. This is an annoying situation because we lose time of work.
Also, some of the workshops doesn't have the necessary safety measures, and I think this is very dangerous... some people can get badly hurt.
Definitely some workshops needs improvements.
Well, is not all that bad. There are some workshops that have what we need to work, and also are really nice, because, in some of them, we spend a lot of time, and I think is really important to have a nice place to work in.
Other aspect that I enjoy about the Art Faculty is that we can go into the differents workshops and see the other people's works. I think is very interesting, and usefull at the same time, to know what people from others specialties and disciplines are doing.
In general, I like it. It's very relaxed compared with other Faculties where people walk around very stressed, studying for their tests... It sounds rare, but I don't like that.